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Types of Anxiety

Generalized anxiety disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) - a constant anxiety, worry, fear that prevent you live a normal life, always present to distract from daily responsibilities, work, school and personal relationships, or have ever present feeling that can happen something bad. People who have seen Generalized anxiety disorder, almost always feel anxious, in some cases they do not even know the reason for this alarm. Very often the anxiety associated with GAD manifested in physical symptoms, such as insomnia, indigestion, fatigue and others.

Panic Disorder (Panic Attack)

Panic disorder - recurrent, unexpected panic attacks (panic attacks / PA), the fear of another panic attack. Also, people with a diagnosis of Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia may be present. Agoraphobia - fear of man be in places or situations where there is no possibility to quickly leave this place immediately or get emergency care, such as large supermarkets (malls), subways, concerts, airplanes, taxis, subways and many more.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - unwanted, bringing discomfort, anxiety, intrusive thoughts (ideas) and / or compulsions (enforcement actions), which is impossible to stop or control. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by intrusive thoughts that you do not turn off the iron, forgot to close the door, can cause harm to anyone else or yourself, obsessive thoughts about the child molestation and other. A person can check whether he closed the door, hiding sharp objects in inaccessible places, repeatedly wash their hands, wash clothes or wash the dishes and much more.


Phobia - a surreal exaggerated fear of certain objects, places, situations that in reality, practically, do not carry the danger, or the danger insignificant. Examples of phobias are: fear / phobia of spiders (arachnophobia), fear / fear of heights (acrophobia), fear / fear of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), fear / phobia of blood (blood phobia / Gematofobiya / Gemafobiya) and many others. If the phobia is a very strong person can take all possible measures to avoid a collision with an object or a phobia avoid falling into a place or situation that causes a phobia. Attempts to avoid the phobia only reinforces the fear that a person experiences.

Social Anxiety Disorder (Social phobia)

Social Anxiety Disorder - irrational exaggerated fear that other people can have a negative estimate, or you can embarrass myself in public, also known as Social phobia. Social anxiety disorder can manifest as extreme shyness, timidity. In severe cases, a person tries to completely avoid social situations and places, to the extent that it ceases to go out. The most common type of social phobia have a fear of speaking in public.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - an anxiety disorder that occurs as a result of injury or life-threatening events. Post-traumatic stress disorder can be described as panic attacks, which are very rarely or even never weaken. It manifests as memory and / or nightmares about the event that occurred, reinforced vigilance, withdrawal from others and avoiding situations that remind us of the events.

Treating anxiety and anxiety disorder

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Anxiety disorder is very widespread frustration with a lot of complex symptoms. Fortunately, over the past twenty years we have greatly improved methods of treatment of anxiety disorders. Advances in cognitive-behavioral therapy led to the development of a new approach in the treatment of anxiety disorders.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy allows to detect and eradicate human disturbing thoughts, irrational beliefs, thought patterns that fuel anxiety. The treatment of people diagnosed with anxiety disorder, usually takes 5 to 20 weekly sessions, with homework between sessions, it allows you to accelerate and consolidate the process of treatment.

Hypnosis and suggestion

Treatment of anxiety disorders, also carried out using the method hypnosuggestive psychotherapy (hypnosis and suggestion). Hypnosis allows you to assign a person a new behavior, thinking and beliefs are not only at the level of consciousness, but on an unconscious level. What can significantly reduce the duration of treatment.